About Us
Welcome to our website! Hey! This is Nicole! The story of our love for tea goes all the way back to 2005 when we first met while working retail. We were just starting to get to know each other, Zac was just starting a job at a tea store and that was the beginning. When Zac wanted to see me, he brought me a cup of tea. When I was happy or maybe not having the best day, he brought me a cup of tea. When he wanted to share a new flavor with me, he let me try it with him. Today, we're married and we still love trying out different teas and sharing our favorites with one another. Everything about tea fascinates us -- the taste, the different styles of brewing, and the nutritional benefits. Please explore and enjoy our collection, and go ahead and start your own!
Zac Holzapfel - CEO/President

Zac worked in the tea industry for several years, all the while dreaming of one day owning his own tea company. Later, he sought more information, he knew he would have to learn more about business. He went back to school to get his accounting degree and worked in the accounting industry. Never losing that dream of ownership. In 2017 Zac, his wife Nicole and their best friends Jesse and Jamie started Yum Cha Tea Company. He loves tea (of course!). He has been a hockey player since he was 8 years old, practices Wing Chun Kung Fu, experimental cookery (like making cured egg yolks), Dragon Boat Racing and loves to ruck with his dog Penny (45lb weight, great exercise!)
Nicole Holzapfel - Director of Marketing and Blend Manager
Nicole has worked in the healthcare industry for several years. She believes in a natural solution to healthcare issues such as chiropractic before surgery and foods that heal. She is the leader in our company of our new line of wellness blends. It takes a considerable amount of experimenting to get a blend right. It's something that has to taste good as well as be a benefit to our bodies. Nicole loves hiking in the mountains, traveling and exploring new areas, flowers and fall leaves.